Sunday, 28 April 2013

Maxis wifi

Im stunned by its speed!!! Tok baruk nya! Berbaloi2! I can on multiple gadget in one time...  ipad,macbook, iphone and samsung S3! Semua di on nya empun wifi! And kelajuan...memang unbelievable!

Friday, 26 April 2013

New wifi

We manage to installed a new wifi brand to our home..
Sikda makei wimax agik..
Maxis/hotlink so far so good..
Jangan lah meragam so sick of it

Saturday, 20 April 2013


If u ask me about my *************** i guess its totaly my right to say that im already....boring with it.... all my feelings are long gone and fades away... alreadt over it.... life as we know it

Saturday, 13 April 2013

When u pokai

Everybody's gonna lose their respect upon u...
Eeverybody's just so annoying...
Everybody's going to judge on u... on every single move that u take...
They will learn to deny your rights

Internet or wifi

Wimax poor service!!! And i begin to hate u... do not let me terminate u and didnt pay my bill on u... i am a good subscriber, i pay my bills monthly and on time, but then again..look at your fucking retarded services... slow and pig as hell! Sorry, thats the words seems to describe your service nowadays... its occur a month already! But the people who is responsible in this matter..didnt give a single damn and didnt take or do any action!!! Shitttt... i feels didnt worth my every single penny

Friday, 5 April 2013

Kinda mess up

I suspect something wrong....
I donno... me myself still don't have a clear vision about things happened..
Yang pasti...
He's totally change..from someone who's someone who's 'wannabe hate' by me... i dono

Thursday, 4 April 2013

I am learning and learning..and improved myself

Though motherhood is the most important of all the professions requiring more knowledge than any other department in human affairs there was no attention given to preparation for this office. --Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

One thing at a time!

One time...
I couldn't afford to.... 3 errands or 4 errands at a time...
My brain is stuck if there's too many task in one whole day and i can't think wise...

Whoaaa bengang

Maxis...whyyyyy???? Adoh kenak mesti semua ada ajak la masalah! Celcom reya... sik sampei 30hari data dah abis...maxis tok apa agik kah masalah! Shittttttttttt happened!!! Geram aku eh!
Gney gik tok kah..heran juak aku! Marek reload rm10 hilang begitu sahaja... kali aku on mobile data kali...
Akan tetapi...hari tok tek..aku baruk jak reload rm10 pagi tok tek..and then aku reload juak /active kan juak hot tiket aku...and aku on la mobile data!!!!! Ko paham x...kredit aku nok sepuloh ringgit tek ilang juak!!!!!! Dah la aku dah top up hot tiket rm30!!! Gila!!!! Dalam duak hari... rm10 reload 2 igek... and rm30 hot tiket.... nang langsung x dpt d pakei!!! Gila babi pig sik!!!! How it cost me!!!! Rugiiiiii..... aku belom kaya....mun aku kaya.. aku sik kesah rm50 ya ilang begitu sahaja!!!!! X puas ati aku eh....mun aku da makei tek semua service ya...sik hal!!!!!!!! Arghhhh aku rasa nak nerais tok...muka aku pun dah kedak makan cukak sebotol2!!! Sikda mood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maxis!!! U ruined my day!!!!! Dah la akh terbangun aher ari tok tek! 6:40Am! Alarm tang ada disfunction! Suddenly suzen henpon pentar ku tok shutdown sikda batteri!! As far as i can remember...last night when i go to bed..aku diat batteri telepon aku still at 20% something....selalunya bertahan jak sampei siang... pa kes kah last night x bertahan!!! Gilaaaa...stress aku aieh...a bad starter for the whole day i guess! Aku tauk muka ku dah nang dah kedak cucor jompot tok! Yobi kimak eh...stress ku aieh...... sialeng mena!!! Siaw!!!!! Fux! Shit! Damn! Semua ada.... i hate this!!!
Makes me wonder...... aku dah try berjimat cermat! Still my cash flow....aku sik paham............nya jadi sedikit sebelum tengah bulan pun!!! Gila eh kedak tok! I wonder what did i pay anyway....where the money's gone.... aku nang dah x berbelanja kedak dolok....aku berbelanja dgn berhemat (berhemah lah sangat) tapi nang bena lah...aku x da gik sukati nak bershopping bah.... aku beli yg jadi keperluan ajak..... aku hairannnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kereta aku rm600, mak aku rm300, (lain kali gaji nait, nait juak la aku berik mak aku), rm100 wimax a.k.a wifi aku, rm100 aku dump ke mastercard aku (tok pun sama..tunggu gaji besar lok..dpt bayar lebih), astro ku belom bayar.. astro tok pun sama juak...ada charge2 tersembunyi...cobalah fix bayaran ya....huishhhh aku bencikkkkkkkkkkk...bagus gik nangga tv1,2,3 ajak..boh ber-astro... (sikkkkk,mun rumah x ber-astro kelak,ada ajak lah mulut puaka pandei nak nganok...) sesungguhnya bila ngenang kehidupan d dunia tok yang Un-Fair...  rasa mok mati jak... berani jak rasa maok mati...tapi bila ngenang dosa and amal belum banyak....takut nak mati....harus bagaimana lagiiiii....
Macam ney la agik nak bejimat owh...dah bejimat nang ku itong bena2 eh duit and bajet! Kali...boh bayar apa2 kali nak.... ermmm belum tambah bayar insuran anak rm150...ya every 12th in a new month... entahlah.....aku pun heran.... where's  the money goes! Kali nya maok aku makan sayo ijo daun tiap ari and masak d rmh..and mkn ikan kembong goreng ajak... jangan sekali2 makan di luar... and mun pegi supermarket, beli brg yg palingggggggg murah d dunia kali..... baranngkali mun macam ya..... mungkin aku dpt simpan duit tiap bulan.... (setiap bulan..duit gaji aku x ada baki!!!!!)