Sunday, 29 April 2012

It's M-O-N-D-A-Y again

Last firday night, I throw-a-party (not that big big one) it's just a small celebration to my little ones.. He's turned to 1 year old now..happy birthday baby

Till then...

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This can defined what my style & fashion sense is all least, I always influenced and get inspired by all of 'em

And so much more...........

Till then...

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Let's talk about... E-f-f-o-r-t

What u really kno 'bout this "effort" words? I believe everyone of us did a lot of effort in their very own life for something significantly important.. Me likewise..
Everyday in my life, there's always an effort to do.. In every such of thing I must say
Such as, to look beautiful, good behaviour, done all the good deeds..probably I've done Quite a lot all this while..sometimes it paid by compliments from others and sometime they did not.. But the worst part is, when it comes to the people that u care the most, doesn't give a shit about your feels like..I am doin something in leaves me with this 'heart-wrenching' feeling..
As a matter of fact, Its always end if I've done anything wrong...

Till then....

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Saturday, 28 April 2012

Read carefully

Click pic to enlarge

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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Mondays mumbler

It's Monday again....I'm not really that 'Monday's lover' not that much I must say..
Back to work with this 'lame' feelings left me in not indulgence one.. (sound like this life is so cruel)
Well! This gonna be a heavily & hectic week I reckon due to so much errands I have to run off..
First thing first...
I need to rush here & there today..not just that, I need to finish my "pencerapan/observation task" hell kinda not cool at all (for me) if they handed me a task on how to critic about fashion do's & don't, thus! It can be I'm the only one who raised my hands up enthusiastically...indeed
And..and..and...not to mention, there's a lot of task to be done within this week..crapppppp!! Let's hope this 'nauseous' unlikely & non-potentially to attack me..

Till the next post..

just click on photo to see larger image ;)

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Weekend is around the corner..

Call me childish..or whatever it is..
There's always something MIDAS about weekend..I donno bout u guys, as for me, when weekend starting to approached me, there's a freakin feeling that's so soothe and calm me up from facing the whole hectic weekend..
My morning will start as early as it can be, I do woke up at 7 or 8 am, I like to stare a glance upon lovely sunrises strike through my windows, there goes my feeling to spend every entire weekend with fun & without hesitation..

Here I am welcoming my weekend...sincerely

*click onto an image to enlarge

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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Processed or whatever junk & instant food can get u killed

I just 'knocked out' by now! After I read those articles regarding the title above..whoaaa for all these yard! I am one of the person who's 'processed food-lovers' all sort of junk & can food! Hell yeah I am freaking unbelief what I've read tho..

Bleached foods, like wheat flour; soy products; artificial sweeteners; refined sugars; boxed foods; meat products like sausages and jerky; and even anything you would categorize as junk food, are all processed foods.

I mean, if u get the chance to drop at my place, there's no such thing 'Un-processed food' u can find, it's very rare! Like I said, I am freakin junk food lover, anywhere in my fridge in my pantry or any jars in my house, there's a lots of junk food..
How can I suddenly & rapidly just stopped the unstoppable thing/habit? Holy cow! I have to! And I need to work it out, can I do this? I can't simply resist the irresistible..
I have to motivate & knock myself out by think of this way..

Learn to read your labels. If something contains an ingredient you have never heard of just pass on it. As a rule, avoid foods that contain nitrates, sulfates, sulfur, BHT, BHA, sodium benzoate, MSG, refined or bleached anything and artificial coloring. Avoid any trans fats – they say “hydrogenated oils” or “partially hydrogenated oil” on the label.

if possible, take as much as supplement which can boost immune system

simply have this in mind : Many of the preservatives used in processed foods have negative side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even headaches.

Poor nutrition of any kind can cause obesity and many other diseases.
Other health risks you will face when eating a regular diet of processed foods are diabetes, heart disease, and cancer

well then, after this, I still have no idea, either I can make it or likewise

U can still read the rest of articles in here.

Till then, sincerely

P/S: click on image to clear view ;)
The processed food lovers
Not anymore..(soon to be)

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Monday, 16 April 2012

Sex by the beach or sex by the stereo

Which one is the most practical? LoL

Okay just cut it out, coz my post have nothing to do and no way related to the title.. Not even closed hahah
I am totally lazy to complete my given task, even tho I kno, the final date for me to submit it just a day or two! I'm just get laid back and get cozy for these couple's nice to be treated by myself lol..
I keep busy checking on my twitter and tumblr..this thing can get more distracted than others..believe me..
U just pray for me to be a better person in time alright.. Till then..

Get enough sleep & sex-exercise hahaha
P/S: amyrudakova a.k.a amyRaduan

*click on photo to enlarge/more better visual

Thursday, 12 April 2012

I secretly annoyed by.....

Some times, I do feel annoyed and distracted by this kinda social network thing so-called Facebook,twitter and any other social network where people purposely just want to be not less than 'attention seeker' wannabe..oppss no offense, it's just appoint to whom it might be concern, not entirely
Don't u ever felt like, kinda sick of people who twit about
what they eat
where they at
the old same story as a status or twit (people know it already..been there done that)
Regularly post it not longer than 5second.. and hell yeah, I started to get bored by your 'lame-old' story..
I know,some times, even I had post what I eat and updated where I might be at..but, gosh, for every 5second..pleaseeeee...why don't u just perform your own restaurant or be a chef? (who knows u can compile them in your books and sell them anyhow) instead of you just randomly & rapidly post 'em..come on..what's the point anyway, I reckon that u just 'desperately' want to be noticed by others or u simply show-off kinda human being

Naahhhh.... forget it, well if u straightly offended by reading this post, u r welcome to Un-follow & Un-friend me or anything in between..

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Saturday, 7 April 2012

There goes my Sunday morning

I bought this last night, I couldn't have done it if it wasn't for
'book voucher' lol
I guess, I need to read something like this,
as a jump-start to have my wonderful son

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Friday, 6 April 2012


Too hectic & mind already exhausted to the max

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Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Sometimes I feel pretty awful, with the biggest burden I have to bear with my heart.. Lately it tend to occurs regularly..
And the 'hurt-feeling' always caused by a person who's very close in my personal life & matters,
I donno what's wrong with me, but when I think of it, I always try harder to please them, I don't get it..why they keep acted like I even commit to something that hugely sin & crime..
Sometimes, when I reach at my work place (where I have 'no-excitement' at all) there, my sadness and negative emotion all suddenly gone..when I see others smiling back at me & when I heard my cute & lovely & pure heart (students) calling my name..there goes my sunny days

sincerely amyrudakova

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Attending the 'bengkel-iThink'
What I've learn from today, something new.. The new way of thinking creatively

And last but not least
I got my eyes on these!!!!! So hard to resist..
I even have intention to make purchase of it, kinda place an order already haha..
So irresistible, can't take my eyes off & my mind & heart totally hypnotized!!!

Till then.. Chiowwwww

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Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Good post I've read today

Love to read

The 'i like this very much' post ever

Monday, 2 April 2012

After ONE hectic day...

Last night, I don't even remember what time did I fell asleep.. LoL
As I recall, I just lay at couch and get up at 5am in the morning..
And I was like "damnnn! That's the best nap I ever had' hahahahah I didn't expect at all I'll end up woke up in my couch (nap yang panjang ah hahah)

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Sunday, 1 April 2012

The end

It's end tonight.. Alhamdulilah, I did it finally. I'm skeptical at first time I received this task but every minute & every single day I tried to convince myself that I can do it. Eventually I manage to complete them in time (I guess) lol. Tomorrow wish me luck for I need to post it.

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