Suka pelamin..
Suka nangga makeup penganten
Suka nangga crowd yg datang heheheh
And last but not least...
Suka begambar!!!!!! Hahahah
Friday, 29 March 2013
The best thing about pengilan
The best thing about pengilan
Suka pelamin..
Suka nangga makeup penganten
Suka nangga crowd yg datang heheheh
And last but not least...
Suka begambar!!!!!! Hahahah
Pengantin yg sporting
Thursday, 28 March 2013
When effort doesn't count!
I hate it! When it comes to......
When i had tried everything..and suddenly.... this fucking just donno how to stop complaining...nagging...and whining around and critical criticts i have to hear and accept!
U just don't mess with me...just don't wake up the tiger! Haaaaaaa jangan terkejut mun aku jadi halilintar kakya!! Everyone has their limits..i am not an angel...diam bila d anok...nerimak bulat2 bila usaha x dihargai and di complain...bila kau rasa kau ajak betol! Oh i am not thay decent person..please.... u may take it or leave it! I just so sick of it.. and i just couldn't care less!
Don't ask mun muka aku dah kedak pokok ari jaik ok!
Perkara wajib yang aku tinggalkan... a muslim.... today i already neglect and didn't hold to my solah...
Since aku dah abis kitaran haid untuk bulan tok...aku dah mandi hadas juak tadik...tapi aku x sembahyang...
Ya ku malas...lepas abis haid lalu lah terbiasa dgn sik sembahyang....apa tek,belalak.... iblis nendak...
Ya allah ya tuhanku.. teguhkan lah iman ku...
Errands that not to be done today
Well...i supposed to run some errands today..and such
But then again..... malas lebih menguasai....delay agik la kerja aku...
1. Nak tukar sim card digi aku yang 'not working perfectly' on my blackberry bold..thats got so old
2. Got me a new facial wipes!
3. Pay the bills-astro
4. Changing my "kitchen tools" to a new the old ones already burok..
5. And get some titsbits...
6. Oh not to forget, bayar rm50 and get those collagen akin care from kak waheeda
Thats sound like....gigantic list to be done...arghhh malas... opss *carwash...not to forget that..
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
apa di muka aku?
lepas cuci....aku terus engkah bb cream maybeline.....simple jer...
nowadays... aku try mengurang-ngurangkan benda2 di muka.. (malas sebenarnya...ya engkah ya ajak)
ignore kan model ya...aku makei product ya ajak...k heheh... |
Oh my anak...
Dah pandei get along and main dgn toddler...
Its good to see...he's running here and there..playing around..comel gilak..
oopsie daisy..
hahah i can watch those movies on and on again...
bah, before is..2013..march
suddenly ingin men-blogging-kan dan meng-congest kan blog world tok bah..
terpikir nak active agik year 2013 tok
aku dah 30 tahun di dunia... by this coming august..memang genap lah 30 tahun usia aku...dah menua..
and and and....... aging is already taking its toll on me.... fine lines wrinkles and whatsoever alien yang ada d muka aku yang 'paling dan teramat kacak' tok...alhamdulilah ciptaan Allah....
(Sapa la pasang lagu.. 'teman pengganti-black' ya eh...di buai2 jak nengar nya)
dan.....tahun 2013... jangan lah terlalu berat dugaan d berik thun tok...i just afraid i can't handle my best
semakin tua...semakin kita belajar....bersyukur...mensyukuri nikmat....belajar bersederhana....merendah diri...selalu lah daily basis and towards people..
jangan la jadi sesetengah orang...riak... suka bermegah-megah.. myself..pun not that really angel type of person..i am between GOOD & EVIL...
ada masa mun aku khilaf...aku jadi la evil juak..
ada masa..bila teringat ALLAH...aku pun switch on into a good person and done the good deeds..
apa-apa pun.....just go with the flow... that is unnecessarily trying to be perfect and.... appear so flawless in front of others... tapi hati macam setan...
exaggerate....not require in my my my empire...
cehhhhhh ada empire kah aku....empire state building nun..ada la..
by the way, dah nangga move ROCK OO kah.... jangan lupak juak cerita "HUSIN,MON & JIN PAKAI TONCIT" hahahah......lawak mampus....
New collection
I manage to get a new one of MaM bottle for my son omar
At first..omar sik maok nyusu..sebab nangga botol ya lain dari botol nya sebelum..
*the new one that i bought is in purple color.. and the other two is botol lamak nya..thats y omar rasa pelek jak color botol baru
for some reason...
and for some reason...i guess..and figure it out, that..i do miss blogging..and mumbling and nagging and whatsoever....
For i think that i might start to get myself busy untuk mem-blog..heheheh
Sik la rasa tension and stress terbuku d hati...betol?????
Sumbanggggg?? Let it be..
And...for some reason... aku nge-post the best quote ever..and aku quite impressed!! Ayat2 yang ter-taip ya nang exactly and always happened in our beautiful life tok...