Wednesday, 27 March 2013

oopsie daisy.. my terms...oopsie poopsie just like the way it sound in JACK AND JILL Comedy movie
hahah i can watch those movies on and on again...
bah, before is..2013..march
suddenly ingin men-blogging-kan dan meng-congest kan blog world tok bah..
terpikir nak active agik year 2013 tok
aku dah 30 tahun di dunia... by this coming august..memang genap lah 30 tahun usia aku...dah menua..
and and and....... aging is already taking its toll on me.... fine lines wrinkles and whatsoever alien yang ada d muka aku yang 'paling dan teramat kacak' tok...alhamdulilah ciptaan Allah....
(Sapa la pasang lagu.. 'teman pengganti-black' ya eh...di buai2 jak nengar nya)

dan.....tahun 2013... jangan lah terlalu berat dugaan d berik thun tok...i just afraid i can't handle my best
semakin tua...semakin kita belajar....bersyukur...mensyukuri nikmat....belajar bersederhana....merendah diri...selalu lah daily basis and towards people..
jangan la jadi sesetengah orang...riak... suka bermegah-megah.. myself..pun not that really angel type of person..i am between GOOD & EVIL...
ada masa mun aku khilaf...aku jadi la evil juak..
ada masa..bila teringat ALLAH...aku pun switch on into a good person and done the good deeds..
apa-apa pun.....just go with the flow... that is unnecessarily trying to be perfect and.... appear so flawless in front of others... tapi hati macam setan...
exaggerate....not require in my my my empire...
cehhhhhh ada empire kah aku....empire state building nun..ada la..
by the way, dah nangga move ROCK OO kah.... jangan lupak juak cerita "HUSIN,MON & JIN PAKAI TONCIT" hahahah......lawak mampus....

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