Wednesday, 27 March 2013

apa di muka aku?

Setiap hari bangun pagi, for the time being...i still use this de wajah face wash.. (sik tauk lah kelak akan bertukar lagik)
lepas cuci....aku terus engkah bb cream maybeline.....simple jer...
nowadays... aku try mengurang-ngurangkan benda2 di muka.. (malas sebenarnya...ya engkah ya ajak)

ignore kan model ya...aku makei product ya ajak...k heheh...

and....after that.... i just simply put my red lipstick to kick some ass! hahahahah

sephora red lipstick

as before aku makei sephora lipstick ya... aku makei....
inilah yang saya pakei....heheh sephora lips stained

which is much much better than works wonder!

so this is the picture of me and my son 
as u can see... brand favourite aku dah sephora ya...

kelak mok beli agik...argh i'm mouring when i found out that my lipstained ya 'gone with the wind' sik tauk siney tuju nya... ermmm beruntung la org nok nemu ya....
mala jak ku nak meli...mala jak out of stock!
sik hal...kelak la aku ke house of sephora di bukit bintang ya...myself.....

p/s: my new perfume on the racks

alright bebeh..thats all for now....aku gik nak melayan anak ku lok....rumah dah terbalit...

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